Andy is a well known practitioner in Thame and Oxford qualifying as an Acupuncturist in 1993 and a Zero Balancer in 1996.
Acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of problems whether they be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual in origin. The emphasis is on treating the root of the problem, looking at the person as a whole, and restoring balance to allow the body’s own healing potential to take place.
Research has found that acupuncture therapy can have a positive effect on those trying for a baby and can actually aid the conception process. As trying to conceive can often be a stressful experience, many find that undergoing a course of acupuncture reduces associated problems.
Read what people are saying about Andy
The results were immediate and astounding - overnight our angry little demon was calmer and happier. He slept and ate better, he was voluntarily helpful and took pleasure in just being with others quietly. In short, we had our lovely little boy back. Others noticed the difference, too, including Tom’s nursery. In the follow-up consultation with Andy a week later it was very noticeable how much calmer Tom was in the treatment room and how much his behaviour had improved.
Both Rebecca and Andy saw my son. They took all of his fears away by giving him time to explore acupressure first and then explained the acupuncture technique to him in great detail, always checking with him whether or not the needles were hurting. He was treated with care, respect and patience.