Here is my perspective from an Acupuncturist’s point of view, about the the changes accompanying the onset of Spring.

Although the timings of our seasons are no longer reliable, we can all feel the signs that Spring is on the way, and by the time this article is published the daffodils may well be gone and signs of summer may even be around!

After the dark days of Winter, Spring is the beginning of renewed growth, of new plans, of lighter mornings and evenings – what’s not to like?!

Well, for some the feelings of optimism in the air are soon replaced by a rush of energy that creates a kind of giddy mayhem. Tired minds and bodies are flooded with a relentless imperative to get going. Tired energy now gets spread even more thinly. Muscles and joints start to ache. Eyes get red and watery and we start to sneeze. Noses run and throats seize up. Voices get louder and minds get more restless. Soon we don’t know if we are coming or going. Some might start to think, what’s the point…I can’t be bothered.

It needn’t be like this…as Acupuncturists we try and help people find a more sustainable and balanced life that allows a smoother transition from one season to another. Many of my clients have acupuncture on a monthly basis or seasonal basis. They come even if they are relatively well as they understand the benefit of aligning themselves with changes in the natural world.

Life still goes pear-shaped even when we nurture ourselves, but we are more likely to get back into balance if we take care of our minds and bodies in a holistic way.