I thought I’d give acupuncture a try. After all, what did I have to lose?

Well, I have lost the need to take prescribed pain relief medication 4x a day and all the side effects I had from taking them. I’ve the lost the need to avoid walking long distances. I’ve lost the need to avoid having any more unsuccessful operations. More important I’ve lost that feeling last thing at night of dread, of waking up to another day of excruciating back pain.

Thank you for giving me my quality of life back.

Woman with Acute Back Pain…

Just a quick note to say thank you for the great treatment I had with you  on Tuesday.  For the first time in days, I had relief from the awful muscle spasms that I was experiencing and the relief is amazing !!  I have thrown away all the prescribed heavy duty drugs which left me feeling less than splendid !!
I will make another appointment again soon for a top up.
Again, many thanks
Jenny 🙂 ‘



The results were immediate and astounding – overnight our angry little demon was calmer and happier. He slept and ate better, he was voluntarily helpful and took pleasure in just being with others quietly. In short, we had our lovely little boy back. Others noticed the difference, too, including Tom’s nursery. In the follow-up consultation with Andy a week later it was very noticeable how much calmer Tom was in the treatment room and how much his behaviour had improved.


Our eldest son, Tom, had been a happy child until the age of three when he became increasingly extremely unhappy and angry, beyond what you would expect for a pre-schooler.  Not only was little Tom unhappy but his behaviour was having an impact on all aspects of family life. We were even asked to remove him from a few groups.  Tom was fascinated with the whole process of visiting Andy, from the diamond-shaped window to removing his socks and shoes. I was able to hold hands with Tom throughout the very gentle acupressure treatment and he was not at all bothered by it, though he had difficulties keeping still.

The results were immediate and astounding – overnight our angry little demon was calmer and happier. He slept and ate better, he was voluntarily helpful and took pleasure in just being with others quietly. In short, we had our lovely little boy back. Others noticed the difference, too, including Tom’s nursery. In the follow-up consultation with Andy a week later it was very noticeable how much calmer Tom was in the treatment room and how much his behaviour had improved.

After only a few more treatments and several months down the line this improvement now seems to be permanent and although Tom still has the occasional moods and ailments you would expect from a four-year-old, he is a happy and healthy little boy making progress in all areas.  I can warmly recommend Andy’s compassionate, effective and careful treatment to all parents and would not hesitate to seek his help again for my children.


Both Rebecca and Andy saw my son. They took all of his fears away by giving him time to explore acupressure first and then explained the acupuncture technique to him in great detail, always checking with him whether or not the needles were hurting. He was treated with care, respect and patience.


My son had had a chronic dry cough for the past 3-4 years, mostly at night. He was very vulnerable to catching colds that would make him severely ill and affect his breathing. He had been diagnosed with a dust allergy and asthma, and about two years ago put on steroid inhalers. I had explored other alternative medicines before with no success. I had hoped that the inhalers were a temporary measure and we had tried to reduce them and take him off them, but the cough would always return and wake him at night.

Both Rebecca and Andy saw my son. They took all of his fears away by giving him time to explore acupressure first and then explained the acupuncture technique to him in great detail, always checking with him whether or not the needles were hurting. He was treated with care, respect and patience. After only the second session, my son’s cough had stopped, and after the third session we took him off the inhaler and haven’t used it since. Remarkably, my son’s sleep and appetite have also improved.